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A New Approach for Adipose Tissue Treatment and Body Contouring Using RFAL

Treatment / Technology

“Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction is a promising technology for body contouring with the following apparent advantages:

  • Ability to heat a significant volume of tissue quickly and uniformly
  • Ability to control tissue heating through direct monitoring of temperature and tissue impedance.
  • Defragmentation of fat cells and coagulation of blood vessels in the treated zone, reducing bleeding and bruising
  • Obvious collagen denaturation after RFAL treatment
  • Significant contraction and retraction of adipose and dermal tissue after treatment.”

A new liposuction technology for adipocyte lipolysis and uniform three-dimensional tissue heating and contraction is presented. The technology is based on bipolar radiofrequency energy applied to the subcutaneous adipose tissue and subdermal skin surface. Preliminary clinical results, thermal monitoring, and histologic biopsies of the treated tissue demonstrate rapid preaspiration liquefaction of adipose tissue, coagulation of subcutaneous blood vessels, and uniform sustained heating of tissue.


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