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undo skin damage with ipl skin rejuvenation treatments
Damage Undone — Using Photo Rejuvenation to Repair Sun-Damaged Skin
Treatment / Technology

  Tanner’s Remorse — How Photo Rejuvenation Helps Sun-Damaged Skin Our sun is the source of all energy in our solar system. When it shines down on our skin it…

The Latest Innovations in Cellulite Treatments
Treatment / Technology

The Latest Innovations in Cellulite Treatments Affecting up to 9 in 10 women, cellulite might be one of the world’s most common physiological conditions. A common misconception about cellulite is…

Clinical Evaluation of Hair Removal Using an 810 nm Diode Laser With a Novel Scanning Device
Treatment / Technology

Introduction: Diode lasers are often considered as the gold standard preference for hair removal due to the deep penetration and effective targeting of the hair follicle. A wide variety of…

The Future of Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening Is Here
Treatment / Technology

Author: Dr. Michael Kreindel, founder and chief technical officer The global demand for aesthetic medical procedures and products continues to grow rapidly, as consumers become more informed and as the…

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